Tales about love, marriage, stepmotherhood, infertility, twin pregnancy, grief, hope and raising twins
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Birth Story
The story starts about 2 weeks before when I started having discharge, I was concerned it was my water breaking, but a visit to the doctor confirmed it wasn't. Fast forward to the weekend before the babies were born, the liquid seemed heavier but i wasn't to concerned, but decided to go the the doctor on Monday to have things checked out
On Monday morning I went to my doctor's office, Dr. Garcia wasn't in but I as able to see another doctor and the determined that my water had broke and I was in labor. I was checked in to the hospital right away, thank goodness for preregistration. WE called our immediate family and the waiting began.
I wasn't dilated and they gave me the option to begin pitocin to bring on more active labor or to walk it out. I always wanted natural childbirth, so I opted for the walking. I spent most of the day walking the two floors of labor and delivery and the maternity floor. At this point I wasn't noticing my contractions. I never knew when I was having one unless I was hooked up to the machine. After awhile they did become a little bit more intense and I would have to pause during my walks, but still nothing like I expected.
As labor progressed I had to decide if I wanted the epidural or not. I really didn't want to, but I knew the chances of having to have a c-section with the twins was high and it would be better to have the meds in me in advance.
We stayed in the hospital overnight and sometime in the morning on the the 30th, right after shift change it was time to start pushing. Again everything is hazy so I'm not sure on the timeline, but I want to say I pushed for less than an hour but due to the position Rylee was in, her chin kept getting caught and it was determined I would have to have a c-section and that is the moment my birth plan went out the window. I'm pretty sure I cried, but I wanted what was best for the babies. Everyone came in to wish me well and I remember praying.
In the operating room they gave additionally medication so I wouldn't feel the c-section and I remember thinking how strange it was that I could feel things and I was worried I wold feel the cut, but i never actually felt the cut, there was just a lot of pressure.
They took Rylee out and held her over the curtain, she was blue and they whisked her away, I didn't even have a chance to react because less than a minute later they pulled Robbie out, he looked normal and after they got him cleaned off a bit they did let me get a closer look at him.
Everything else is a blur due to the medication. I didn't even realize until a day later that Rylee wasn't breathing when she was born. I just remember that it seemed like it was forever before they would let me be wheeled down to see my babies in NICU. I remember how small and fragile they looked hooked up to the machines. I remember how quickly I fell in love with them and how much my arms ached to hold them. And the nurses did let me hold them, only for a moment and they were still hooked up to machines. But at those moments, I knew my life was complete.
It was so hard being in the hospital room at night and hearing others babies cry and not being able to be with my babies. But I went to the NICU to visit whenever I could,
I was released to go home on Friday and Robbie was strong enough to go home with me. I cried a lot, tears of joy for Robbie being strong enough to come home and tears of sadness that I had to leave Rylee there. Fortunately Rylee hated it as well and she quickly progressed to come home a few days later.
I hope to an entry of pictures soon. Any family and friends that were there and would like to leave their impressions of the Twinjas birth, please leave them in the comments.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
33 weeks
Wow, I can't believe we are at 33 weeks already. It's weird how time goes by so quickly yet so slowly at the same time. Four more weeks until full term.
This week the Twinjas skeletons are hardening. This week they may be going through a growth spurt. That could explain why all I want to do is eat and sleep. The amniotic fluid has maxed out this week so I have more babies than fluid. This explains why I am constantly feeling pushes and nudges.
I had a doctors appointment yesterday and everything looked good. Babies had strong heartbeats and my cervix was still closed. Baby girl is sitting really low so the doctor warned me that I could start seeing on myself. Oh joy. I have been doing my kegals so hopefully it won't be an issue.
The doctor says that twins have a mind of their own so they can decide to arrive at anytime. I like the date 8/5/13.
I've started having random braxton hicks contractions. They have been pretty mild. I still want to labor without pain meds but since I haven't been able to complete my hynobabies I'm not sure if I will be able too. I need to research some alternatives.
33 Weeks
Total weight gain: 34 pounds
Maternity Clothes? I left the house this week so I was able to wear one of my dresses.
Stretch Marks? A few on my hips. Stomach is still clear though.
Sleep? I miss sleep. Some nights I just cry.
Best Moment this week? Hearing their heartbeats
Miss Anything? Sleep
Food Craving? Fruit. Beef.
Gender prediction? One of each. I was right!
Labor Signs? Braxton Hicks contractions
Symptoms? Some nausea.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy, nervous
Looking forward to? Making it to week 34. Finishing the nursery.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Five things you should never say to a pregnant woman
I am always amazed at the comments people make to me because I am pregnant with twins. It's like they just don't have a filter. I asked some of my other friends who are preggers if they have experienced the same and it turns out I am not alone. So we compiled this list of things you should never say to a pregnant woman.
1. Are you sure you aren't having twins? Or any comment about a pregnant woman's size, large or small.
Would you normally comment on a woman's weight? I hope not. Pregnant women are especially sensitive about their size. We worry if we are gaining too much or too little and how that weight gain will affect our growing baby.
Your best bet? Tell her she looks great!
2. You're just pregnant. This comment usually is made by a man.
We're not just pregnant. We are growing life inside of us. It takes a lot out of us. Between the first trimester morning sickness and the third trimester aches and pains, it isn't an easy task. Pregnant women deserve a medal.
Your best bet? Tell her she looks great and offer her some ice cream.
3. Speaking of aches and pains. If you ask a pregnant woman how she is feeling and she is actually honest and admits to her misery, don't respond with "well you asked for it'.
I can honestly say that I did not ask for it. I did not ask to be put on bedrest at 28 weeks. I didn't ask to cry every not before bed because everything hurts. I certainly didn't ask to have trouble breathing. I asked for a baby and I was lucky enough to be blessed with two miracles and I will suffer through to bring my two miracles into the world.
You best bet? You look great and you're doing a great job. Can I get you some ice cream?
4. Are you sure you should be eating that?
Unless you are the pregnant woman's doctor, there isn't any need to comment on her diet.
Your best bet? That's right, You look great, can I get you some ice cream?
5. If you find out a woman is pregnant with multiples. Don't respond with "better you than me" or any other similar negative comment.
Multiples just mean multiple blessings. Sure the thought can be overwhelming at times, but how is your negative comment helpful.
You best bet? You look great, how about a double scoop if ice cream?
What were some comments that drove you crazy during your pregnancy? What are your favorite comebacks?
Sunday, July 7, 2013
32 Weeks
32 Weeks
Total weight gain: 33 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Yes, since I am at home all the time I live in Michael's t-shirts and boxers
Stretch Marks? A few on my hips.
Sleep? I miss sleep. Some nights I just cry.
Best Moment this week? Getting my maternity photos
Miss Anything? Cold Cuts, Sleep
Food Craving? Candy
Gender prediction? One of each. I was right!
Labor Signs? I think I am occasionally experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions
Symptoms? The worst this week has been pain in the ribs from them kicking and the shortness of breath
Belly Button in or out? Starting to pop out a little.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy, nervous
Looking forward to? Making it to week 33
Saturday, July 6, 2013
31 Weeks, five days
According to thebump.com the twinjas should be about the size of pineapples, I don't think they're quite that big though. They probably weigh about 3 pounds but I found out today they are overachievers. Baby Girl is 4.5 pounds and Baby Boy is 4.2 pounds. They should be heading into a growth spurt . They can turn their heads from side to side and they're starting to plump out some more. They're moving a lot more now and that is very exciting, even if their favorite time to move is 2 o'clock in the morning.
As for me I haven't noticed any Braxton Hicks contractions yet . I do have trouble breathing but that's probably due to my uterus pushing up against my lungs. I've started my at home hypnobabies course, but I do need to spend more time focusing on that. I am still hoping for a natural childbirth without drugs even though Michael thinks I'm crazy. This week I'm going to work on getting my hospital bag packed . I've settled on a pediatrician and I'm excited about that. The office is just a few blocks from our house, and she is a mother of twins too .
31 Weeks
Total weight gain: 33 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Yes, though I am starting to outgrow some of my maternity shorts and skirts. The dresses still work though.
Stretch Marks? A few on my hips.
Sleep? Sleeping on my sides makes my hips hurt, so I wake up every hour or so to switch sides, of course switching sides is not as easy as it sounds.
Best Moment this week? Discovering S'mores Blizzard
Miss Anything? Wine
Food Craving? Nothing specific this week.
Gender prediction? One of each. I was right!
Labor Signs? Shortening and funneling of the cervix
Symptoms? Shortness of breath, itchy stomach (not scratching though), heart palpitations, fatigue and strangely the hair on my legs stopped growing.
Belly Button in or out? Starting to pop out a little.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy, nervous
Looking forward to? Finishing the nursery.
Ultrasounds and Maternity photos
Baby Girl weighed about 4.5 pounds and has a head full of hair. Baby Boy weighed about 4.2 pounds with some peach fuzz. Both babies are head down, Baby Boy has head tucked up under his sisters chin, like she is comforting him. At the time, Baby Boy had a full tummy and had his hand between his legs. Baby Girl was practicing her breathing and was playing with her umbilical cord. They are both so big we couldn't get any decent shots of the Twinjas.
I had some maternity photos taken at 27 weeks by my dear friend Nicole. I think they turned out great and I really appreciate her taking the time out of her busy schedule to take and edit the pictures. I am going to share a few of them today.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
28 weeks
There was an issue discovered during ultrasound that was discovered some funneling and shortening of the cervix, so I was put on immediate modified bed rest, so no more work for me. I am also on 10 mg of Procardia 4 times a day to help prevent preterm labor. I will be visiting the doctor every two weeks now.
The first 5 days of bed rest haven't been too bad, trying to keep myself on a schedule. I am sure the longer it goes the harder it will be. But anything to have healthy babies. My final goal is still 37 weeks and and no NICU time. But my next short term goal is 30 weeks.
28 Weeks
Total weight gain: I didn't get a scale on this week, feeling rather mooish.
Maternity Clothes? Yes! I also love Michael's t-shirts they are so comfy and perfect for the house.
Stretch Marks? I started to notice some faint ones on my hips. I'm not always focused with moisturizing there.
Sleep? Between my bladder and having to wake up to take meds, sleep is a challenge.
Best Moment this week? Seeing my babies during the ultrasound.
Miss Anything? Sweet Tea
Food Craving? Oreo and cookie dough blizzards
Gender prediction? One of each.I was right!
Labor Signs? Shortening and funneling of the cervix
Symptoms? Shortness of breath, itchy stomach (not scratching though), heart palpitations, fatigue and strangely the hair on my legs stopped growing.
Belly Button in or out? Flat
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy, nervous
Looking forward to?Starting my Hynobabies trading.
I'll be back tomorrow to share the details of my baby shower. Leave me some love so I know you were here.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
27 Weeks
This week the Twinjas weigh any where between 1.5 and 2.5 pounds, about the size of head of cauliflower. I'll find out the weights at my appointment on Tuesday. They sleep and wake a regular intervals. Brain tissue is developing, so their brains are very active now. Their taste buds are developed and can taste what I eat, usually about 30 minutes after I eat something. The babies are going to love potatoes. They can see light and shadows. I tested this theory by shining a flashlight into my belly.
I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and we will find out if I will be put on bed rest at 28 weeks. Saturday is my baby shower, and I can't wait. I can't wait to spend time with my family and friends celebrating the upcoming arrival of Robbie and Rylee.
27 Weeks
Total weight gain: 30 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Yes! I'm loving my dresses right now.
Stretch Marks? I started to notice some faint ones on my hips. I'm not always focused with moisturizing there.
Sleep? What's a full night of sleep?
Best Moment this week? Having time off from work.
Miss Anything? Sweet Tea
Food Craving? Oreo and cookie dough blizzards
Gender prediction? One of each.I was right!
Labor Signs? No and hopefully not for a very long time.
Symptoms? Shortness of breath, itchy stomach (not scratching though), heart palpitations, fatigue and strangely the hair on my legs stopped growing.
Belly Button in or out? Flat
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy, nervous
Looking forward to? Ultrasound on Tuesday and Baby Shower on Saturday.

Sunday, May 26, 2013
26 weeks
At 26 weeks, we are reaching the end of the second trimester. According to The Bump, the twinjas are the size of a head of lettuce. I'm not sure if my belly is big enough for that. I might head to the grocery store and check it out. Their about 14 inches long and weigh about 1 2/3 to 2 pounds. They have eyelashes and their eyes will be opening soon. Their sense of hearing is even more sensitive. They are also inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, practicing for their first breaths.
As for Mom, I am doing pretty well. The heart palpitations are still happening, so I am going to be fitted for a Holtor monitor on Tuesday to monitor my heart rate for 24 hours, just to be sure it is just normal twin stuff. I didn't gain any weight this week.
26 Weeks
Total weight gain: 27 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Yes! I'm loving my dresses right now.
Stretch Marks? No, moisturizing three times a day. I'm doing a combination of cocoa butter and vitamin E
Sleep? I have slept a little better this week, sleeping until 3 instead of 2.
Best Moment this week? Last weekend I spent lots of time with my mom :)
Miss Anything? Sweet Tea
Food Craving? No particular cravings this week
Gender prediction? One of each.I was right!
Labor Signs? No and hopefully not for a very long time.
Symptoms? Shortness of breath, itchy stomach (not scratching though), heart palpitations, fatigue and strangely the hair on my legs stopped growing.
Belly Button in or out? Kind of flat
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy, nervous
Looking forward to? Having Nicole take some maternity photos for me
Saturday, May 18, 2013
25 Weeks
This past week I had my first crazy birth dream. I dreamed I gave birth to two miniature sumo wrestlers. They were both boys, one was black and one was white. They were babies, but looked like little men. I kept telling the doctors that something wasn't right, I was supposed to have a girl but no one would listen. They wouldn't even fit into their infant car seats. It was so crazy and vivid!
This week is week 25, Every week gets harder but I am also so very happy that Robbie and Rylee are still cooking and doing well. I am always amazed when I catch a glimpse of my growing belly, sometimes it doesn't seem real. It's important to never give up hope.
According to Babycenter.com they should weigh about 1.5 pounds, but they are probably a little bit over that now. They're exchanging their long lean looks for some baby fat and are looking more and more like their newborn selves. They are also growing more hair! If they have it! I was born with a head full of hair.
25 Weeks
Total weight gain: 27 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Yes! They are cute and comfy.
Stretch Marks? No, moisturizing three times a day. I'm doing a combination of cocoa butter and vitamin E
Sleep? I have seen 2 am three times this week
Best Moment this week? We went to see Iron Man 3
Miss Anything? Chicken and wine
Food Craving? Fruit Salad from Publix (watermelon, strawberries, grapes, honey dew and cantaloupe)
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing this week!
Gender prediction? One of each.I was right!
Labor Signs? No and hopefully not for a very long time.
Symptoms? Shortness of breath, itchy stomach (not scratching though), heart palpitations
Belly Button in or out? Kind of flat
Wedding rings on or off? On but it keeps slipping off.
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy and a little scared.
Looking forward to? 5 days off from work
Monday, May 13, 2013
24 weeks
Total weight gain: 25 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Yes! They are cute and comfy.
Stretch Marks? No, moisturizing three times a day
Sleep?It's difficult but I get my best sleep the nights Michael rubs my feet.
Best Moment this week? Spending Mother's Day with our families and choosing names
Miss Anything? Chicken
Food Craving? Pizza
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing this week!
Gender prediction? One of each.I was right!
Labor Signs? No and hopefully not for a very long time.
Symptoms? Shortness of breath, itchy stomach (not scratching though), heart palpitations
Belly Button in or out? Kind of flat
Wedding rings on or off? On but it keeps slipping off.
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy
Looking forward to? Mother's Day Celebration with Caleb
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
23 Weeks
The babies sense of movement is developed now so if I want to dance around to Prince, they can feel me move. Their blood vessels in the lungs are developing to prepare for breathing and they are hearing more noises outside of the womb. They can also dream during their time asleep.
23 Weeks
Total weight gain: 23 pounds (doing good with gaining a pound a week, scary but anything for my babies)
Maternity Clothes? Yes! They are cute and comfy.
Stretch Marks? No, moisturizing three times a day
Sleep?It's difficult but I get my best sleep the nights Michael rubs my feet.
Best Moment this week? Seeing the babies on the ultrasound and watching them kick each other.
Miss Anything? Chicken
Food Craving? Spinach and Artichoke Dip
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing this week!
Gender prediction? One of each.I was right!
Labor Signs? No and hopefully not for a very long time.
Symptoms? Shortness of breath, itchy stomach (not scratching though), heart palpitations
Belly Button in or out? Kind of flat
Wedding rings on or off? On but it keeps slipping off.
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy
Looking forward to? Mother's Day!
Friday, May 3, 2013
22 Weeks
Week 22 has been a great one so far. Baby kicks are the most amazing thing. Whenever I am having a bad, one of the babies will kick me and I can't help but smile. I have two little miracles growing inside of me, life can't be too bad. The other night I had a Slurpee and the Twinjas went crazy, kicking up a storm. Caleb and I could actually see the kicks. Michael was at work so he missed it :(
This week the babies are about 11 inches long and should weigh about 1 pound each, about the size of a papaya. They're starting to look more like their newborn selves. They are sleeping in cycles for 12 - 14 hours a day.
Mommy is doing well I have more energy, but I am more uncomfortable. It is harder to do things, like picking up things off the floor when I drop it or getting clothes out of the washer machine. By the time dinner time comes around I feel like I don't have any room left for food. Sometimes I have trouble catching my breath.
22 Weeks
Total weight gain: 21 pounds (doing good, 24 pounds by 24 weeks reduces the chances of preterm labor)
Maternity Clothes? Yes! I'm embracing the bump, while it is still cute
Stretch Marks? No, moisturizing three times a day
Sleep?Still hard finding a comfortable position to sleep in.
Best Moment this week? Babies kicking
Miss Anything? Sleeping through the night
Food Craving? Spinach and Artichoke Dip
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing this week!
Gender prediction? One of each.I was right!
Labor Signs? No and hopefully not for a very long time.
Symptoms? Shortness of breath
Belly Button in or out? Kind of flat
Wedding rings on or off? On but it keeps slipping off.
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy
Looking forward to? Designing the nursery.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
20 Weeks
20 Weeks
Total weight gain: 19 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Yes! Maternity dresses are really cute.
Stretch Marks? No, moisturizing three times a day
Sleep? It's already difficult finding positions to sleep in. But I am staying up until 9 most night now!
Best Moment this week? Gender reveal party!
Miss Anything? Chicken
Food Craving? Nachos
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing this week!
Gender prediction? One of each.I was right!
Labor Signs? No and hopefully not for a very long time.
Symptoms? Fatigue, cramping, break outs
Belly Button in or out? Kind of flat
Wedding rings on or off? On but it keeps slipping off.
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy
Looking forward to? Working the nursery

Sunday, April 7, 2013
19 weeks
I am experiencing round ligament pain and leg cramps.
Last week I had an ultrasound and will post the pictures soon
How far along? 19 Weeks
Total weight gain: 16 pounds (I am a little behind schedule)
Maternity Clothes? Yes! jeans are hard to find in tall sizes so I just went up a size.
Stretch Marks? No, moisturizing three times a day
Sleep? It's already difficult finding positions to sleep in. But I am staying up until 9 most night now!
Best Moment this week? My ultrasound and seeing my babies.
Miss Anything? Still cocktails and cold cuts
Food Craving? Nachos
Anything making you queasy or sick? I have had nausea once this week
Gender prediction? One of each.
Labor Signs? No and hopefully not for a very long time.
Symptoms? Fatigue, cramping
Belly Button in or out? Still but starting to change shape.
Wedding rings on or off? On but it keeps slipping off.
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy
Looking forward to? Gender Reveal Party on Saturday finally finding out what they are!

Monday, April 1, 2013
18 weeks
This week the twins are about 5 1/2 inches long and weigh almost 7 ounces, about the size of a sweet potato. They can flex their legs and arms and I should be feeling them move soon. I think I may have felt a flutter the other day but I can't be sure. Their yawning, hiccuping, swallowing and sucking now!
I am feeling good, just still tired all the time but no new complaints.
We had a great 4 year anniversary/babymoon. We rented a hotel room overlooking the ocean and it was nice to relax and reconnect. Our 18 week photo is taken where we were married.
How far along? 18 Weeks
Total weight gain: 14 pounds (I am a little behind schedule)
Maternity Clothes? Yes!
Stretch Marks? No, but I have a moisturizing routine down
Sleep? I fall asleep easily, but wake up due to potty breaks and allergies and can't fall back asleep
Best Moment this week?Celebrating our four year anniversary with a room on the beach.
Miss Anything? Still cocktails.
Food Craving? nachos
Anything making you queasy or sick?Nothing this week
Gender prediction? One of each.
Labor Signs? No and hopefully not for a very long time.
Symptoms? Fatigue, cramping
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On but it keeps slipping off.
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy
Looking forward to? Seeing the babies next week.

Friday, March 22, 2013
17 Weeks
Almost halfway through. Since twins come early I am hoping to go at least 36 to 37 weeks with 5-6 lb babies! This week they are the size of onions. Babies and Mommy are getting bigger, I have finally "popped"! They weigh about 5 ounces and are 5 inches long from head to bottom. Their soft cartilage is turning into bone.
How far along? 17 Weeks
Total weight gain:
Maternity Clothes? Jeans are hard to fasten, thank goodness for elastic bands
Stretch Marks? Nothing yet, I invested in some shea butter
Sleep? Still not sleeping well
Best Moment this week? Reading a new book about multiples!
Miss Anything? Still cocktails.
Food Craving? Taco Bell
Anything making you queasy or sick?Nothing this week
Gender prediction? One of each.
Labor Signs? No and hopefully not for a very long time.
Symptoms? Headaches, fatigue and still a little nausea.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On but it keeps slipping off.
Happy or Moody most of the time?Not as moody this week.
Looking forward to? Feeling the babies move.

Sunday, March 17, 2013
16 Weeks
The babies are developing a lot this week. The best part is that they can hear my voice now. Lucky for them I have a job where I talk all day. Studies have found that babies who are sung to while they are in the womb recognize the same tune when it's sung to them after they are born. What will I sing? Maybe some Prince? What do you suggest?
I should be looking forward to pregnancy glow, bigger boobs and longer hair and nails. That would be nice. Right now I have pregnancy break out.
How far along? 16 Weeks
Total weight gain: 9
Maternity Clothes? I'm still able to fasten my jeans!
Stretch Marks? Nothing yet, but I moisturize religiously.
Sleep? Insomnia is a dirty word. I fall asleep pretty easily, but when I wake up it takes hours to fall back asleep.
Best Moment this week? No one looks at me funny, when I feel like eating a cheeseburger and a slice of pizza. They just say I am keeping both babies happy.
Miss Anything? Still cocktails.
Food Craving? Taco Bell
Anything making you queasy or sick?Nothing this week
Gender prediction? One of each.
Labor Signs? No and hopefully not for a very long time.
Symptoms? Headaches, fatigue and still a little nausea.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On but it keeps slipping off.
Happy or Moody most of the time?Not as moody this week.
Looking forward to? Feeling the babies move.

Saturday, March 9, 2013
15 weeks
This week the babies are the size of oranges and are about 4 inches long and weigh 2 1/2 ounces. Their legs are longer than their arms and they can move all their joints and limbs. They can even sense light.
I am starting to feel better. My all day, every day sickness has subsided a bit. It is down to once a day, sometimes twice a day.
Here are some pictures from my ultrasound. The babies are 14 weeks and 5 days. Baby 1 was more interested in stretching out and hanging out upside down. Baby 2 did give us a perfect profile shot and even waved!
Total weight gain: 5
Maternity Clothes? Mainly wearing maternity tops now. I think it will be time to upgrade my bra soon, my boobs are finally starting to grow!
Stretch Marks? Nothing yet, but I moisturize religiously.
Sleep? Still going to bed early, wishing for naps around 3 in the afternoon.
Best Moment this week? Seeing the babies. I almost cried tears of joys.
Miss Anything? Cocktails
Food Craving? Pizza with pineapple
Anything making you queasy or sick?Nothing this week
Gender prediction? One of each or two girls.
Labor Signs? No and hopefully not for a very long time.
Symptoms? Headaches, fatigue and still a little nausea.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On but it keeps slipping off.
Happy or Moody most of the time?Not as moody this week.
Looking forward to? Finding out the sexes of the babies
Saturday, March 2, 2013
14 weeks
I am happy to report that my nausea has abated some. I haven't gotten sick in the last two days. Now if the fatigue would just go away, things would be perfect. Well except for the headaches, dizziness and cramping. I am constantly hungry. I actually eat lunch twice a day. It's hard getting in 600 extra healthy calories. I'm hoping to be able to start walking again. It's hard though with all the overtime at work.
This week the babies are the size of a lemon. (Honestly that doesn't sound much different than a size of a peach. But is a huge change from when they were just the size of a poppy seed). The should measure about 3.4 inches and weigh 1.5 ounces. The are probably spending their time wiggling around and sucking their thumbs. Their kidneys, livers and spleens are all doing their jobs now. Their bodies are growing faster than their heads and their arms are more in proportion with with their bodies. Their also starting to develop an ultra-fine hair all of their bodies called lanugo, designed to keep them warm.
How far along? 14 Weeks
Total weight gain: 2
Maternity Clothes? I'm still in maternity tops. I'm able to get by wearing elastic skirts and using my belly band.
Stretch Marks? Nothing yet, but I moisturize religiously.
Sleep? I still go to bed early, but since I have increased my water intake I have to get up more frequently in the middle of the night.
Best Moment this week? Having lunch with my sister.
Miss Anything? Rum, it was a rough week at work.
Food Craving? Taco Bell and Cherry Slurpees
Anything making you queasy or sick? Chicken
Gender prediction? One of each or two girls.
Labor Signs? No and hopefully not for a very long time.
Symptoms? Sore boobs, tired, nausea, crazy dreams, bloating and constipation, headaches.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On but it keeps slipping off.
Happy or Moody most of the time? Moody.
Looking forward to? My ultrasound on Tuesday and getting to see the babies.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
13 Weeks
It's the last week of the first trimester and we're getting closer to getting out of the danger zone. Not that I will ever stop worrying. It's what moms do right? :) I had a bit of a scare on Monday, a lot of cramping, so I called the doctor and they let me come in to check things out. I was able to hear both babies heartbeats and hear them moving around when the nurse poked them. I just need to make sure I stay properly hydrated (1 gallon of water a day) and continue to take it easy.
This week the babies have developed their fingerprints and their bodies are starting to catch up to their heads. They should be almost 3 inches long and weigh an ounce about the size of a peach.
How far along? 13 Weeks
Total weight gain: 2
Maternity Clothes? I'm still wearing mainly maternity tops to work and larger t-shirts on the weekend. I can't wait to have an actually baby bump :)
Stretch Marks? Nope, but I am scared. I made the mistake of Googling "twin skin".
Sleep? I am still tired, but have hard time falling asleep when I wake up in the middle of the night.
Best Moment this week? Hearing the babies heartbeats and movements when I went to the doctor.
Miss Anything? Can't think of anything at the moment.
Food Craving? Starbust
Anything making you queasy or sick? I have no desire for chocolate
Gender prediction? One of each or two girls.
Labor Signs? No and hopefully not for a very long time.
Symptoms? Sore boobs, tired, nausea, crazy dreams, bloating and constipation, headaches.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time? Moody.
Looking forward to? Being able to color my hair next after the first trimester and getting rid of these stress highlights.