Saturday, March 9, 2013

15 weeks

15 weeks! We're 1/3 of the way through.  It has been a great week.  I had a doctor's appointment and ultrasound on Wednesday.  The babies are right on target with growth, all of heir internal organs that we can see so far look great. The tech could even tell what sex the babies are.  Sadly that information is sealed in an envelope until our gender reveal party in April.  A very long time to wait. My co-worker Sam is holding onto the info for me. I can't wait for April!

This week the babies are the size of oranges and are about 4 inches long and weigh 2 1/2 ounces. Their legs are longer than their arms and they can move all their joints and limbs. They can even sense light.

I am starting to feel better. My all day, every day sickness has subsided a bit. It is down to once a day, sometimes twice a day.

Here are some pictures from my ultrasound. The babies are 14 weeks and 5 days. Baby 1 was more interested in stretching out and hanging out upside down.  Baby 2 did give us a perfect profile shot and even waved!

Here is me a 15 weeks and 1 day. There is a bit of a bump, but I think I just look like I have been indulging too much in chocolate cake.
How far along? 15 Weeks
Total weight gain: 5
Maternity Clothes? Mainly wearing maternity tops now. I think it will be time to upgrade my bra soon, my boobs are finally starting to grow!
Stretch Marks? Nothing yet, but I moisturize religiously.
Sleep? Still going to bed early, wishing for naps around 3 in the afternoon.
Best Moment this week? Seeing the babies. I almost cried tears of joys.
Miss Anything? Cocktails
Food Craving? Pizza with pineapple
Anything making you queasy or sick?Nothing this week
Gender prediction? One of each or two girls.
Labor Signs? No and hopefully not for a very long time.
Symptoms? Headaches, fatigue and still a little nausea.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On but it keeps slipping off.
Happy or Moody most of the time?Not as moody this week.
Looking forward to? Finding out the sexes of the babies

Lilypie Maternity tickers

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