Sunday, January 15, 2012

My Optimism gets the best of me again.

I knew this round of the IUI wasn't going to work. I resigned myself to the fact. I told my husband and BFF that I knew it wasn't going to work. I started making plans for IVF in the future. In my head I knew it wasn't going to work.  Mentally I had accepted.  Someone forgot to tell my heart though.  My cycle started today and I was devastated.  It really doesn't get easier.

But I had myself a good cry and I'll be taking January and February off.  I'll be ready to begin IVF in March.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


I have been a total slacker with writing in here, but I will do better in 2012.  Our first three IUI attempts were not sucessful and the last failure was particulary hard for me. I found out I wasn't pregnant just after my birthday and right before Christmas. At the same time I found out one of my cousins and his wife are expecting. Let's just say it was an emotional time for me.

This mornng we are up early on New Year's Eve for our last shot at IUI. If this doesn't work the doctor thinks we should move onto IVF.  Michael isn't much a morning person, as evident by the fact that he just growled at me.

I had to stop writing yesterday because it was time to leave.  The IUI went well yesterday.  We made it to the doctor at 8 and first up was for Michael to make his donation.  There was only one other couple there and they were called back first and the husband went in by himself.  I always wonder if it is strange that I go back with Michael.  Once we were done we had to wait an hour so we had our traditional breakfast at Panera's.

When we returned the doctor did the insemination and we discussed the possibility of IVF.  Michael was very happy with the doctor's instructions to have sex everyday for the rest of the long weekend. I am hopeful, but realistically I am not expecting the IUI to work. I am starting to my prepare myself for having to do the IVF.