It's the last week of the first trimester and we're getting closer to getting out of the danger zone. Not that I will ever stop worrying. It's what moms do right? :) I had a bit of a scare on Monday, a lot of cramping, so I called the doctor and they let me come in to check things out. I was able to hear both babies heartbeats and hear them moving around when the nurse poked them. I just need to make sure I stay properly hydrated (1 gallon of water a day) and continue to take it easy.
This week the babies have developed their fingerprints and their bodies are starting to catch up to their heads. They should be almost 3 inches long and weigh an ounce about the size of a peach.
How far along? 13 Weeks
Total weight gain: 2
Maternity Clothes? I'm still wearing mainly maternity tops to work and larger t-shirts on the weekend. I can't wait to have an actually baby bump :)
Stretch Marks? Nope, but I am scared. I made the mistake of Googling "twin skin".
Sleep? I am still tired, but have hard time falling asleep when I wake up in the middle of the night.
Best Moment this week? Hearing the babies heartbeats and movements when I went to the doctor.
Miss Anything? Can't think of anything at the moment.
Food Craving? Starbust
Anything making you queasy or sick? I have no desire for chocolate
Gender prediction? One of each or two girls.
Labor Signs? No and hopefully not for a very long time.
Symptoms? Sore boobs, tired, nausea, crazy dreams, bloating and constipation, headaches.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time? Moody.
Looking forward to? Being able to color my hair next after the first trimester and getting rid of these stress highlights.

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