This week the Twinjas weigh any where between 1.5 and 2.5 pounds, about the size of head of cauliflower. I'll find out the weights at my appointment on Tuesday. They sleep and wake a regular intervals. Brain tissue is developing, so their brains are very active now. Their taste buds are developed and can taste what I eat, usually about 30 minutes after I eat something. The babies are going to love potatoes. They can see light and shadows. I tested this theory by shining a flashlight into my belly.
I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and we will find out if I will be put on bed rest at 28 weeks. Saturday is my baby shower, and I can't wait. I can't wait to spend time with my family and friends celebrating the upcoming arrival of Robbie and Rylee.
27 Weeks
Total weight gain: 30 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Yes! I'm loving my dresses right now.
Stretch Marks? I started to notice some faint ones on my hips. I'm not always focused with moisturizing there.
Sleep? What's a full night of sleep?
Best Moment this week? Having time off from work.
Miss Anything? Sweet Tea
Food Craving? Oreo and cookie dough blizzards
Gender prediction? One of each.I was right!
Labor Signs? No and hopefully not for a very long time.
Symptoms? Shortness of breath, itchy stomach (not scratching though), heart palpitations, fatigue and strangely the hair on my legs stopped growing.
Belly Button in or out? Flat
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy, nervous
Looking forward to? Ultrasound on Tuesday and Baby Shower on Saturday.

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