I am experiencing round ligament pain and leg cramps.
Last week I had an ultrasound and will post the pictures soon
How far along? 19 Weeks
Total weight gain: 16 pounds (I am a little behind schedule)
Maternity Clothes? Yes! jeans are hard to find in tall sizes so I just went up a size.
Stretch Marks? No, moisturizing three times a day
Sleep? It's already difficult finding positions to sleep in. But I am staying up until 9 most night now!
Best Moment this week? My ultrasound and seeing my babies.
Miss Anything? Still cocktails and cold cuts
Food Craving? Nachos
Anything making you queasy or sick? I have had nausea once this week
Gender prediction? One of each.
Labor Signs? No and hopefully not for a very long time.
Symptoms? Fatigue, cramping
Belly Button in or out? Still but starting to change shape.
Wedding rings on or off? On but it keeps slipping off.
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy
Looking forward to? Gender Reveal Party on Saturday finally finding out what they are!

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