Friday, October 14, 2011

Another Monh, Another Disappointed

I woke up this morning with a migraine and cramps, my unfriendly visitor made an unwelcome early arrival.  It is such a disappointment.  I go up and took some motrin and went back to be for an hour, but when I woke back up I still had a headache and cramps so I called into work and made a doctors appointment. I then crawled back into bed and curled up to my husband and cried until I fell back asleep.

My doctors appointment was at 12:00, they were really nice to squeeze me in. They gave me two shots, one for headache and one for the nausea. The shots were very painful, I think I regressed to a five year with my reaction, but my nurse was very sweet. Bu he shots did take pain away and my hip felt better after 30 minutes or so. I had Michael take me to TCBY for a treat afterwards.

I am feeling pretty sad. It feels silly mourn something that was never mine to begin with, but as each month passes I feel like my chances at motherhood are slipping away and it may never happen. That thought is devastating.

We won' be trying the IUI this cycle, because we are on our way out of town this week. We're heading to Orlando to visit the theme parks and Halloween Horror Nights.  I always try to find the bright side in every situation, so I guess in this case I ll be able to enjoy some cocktails and ride the roller coasters. Plus we can have fun trying the old fashion way.

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